Abstracts must be in concise English. Please ensure that the abstract is checked for linguistic accuracy prior to submission. The abstract should be typewritten in single spaced Times New Roman 12 font. Abstracts must be submitted as a PDF document. Other formats will not be accepted.
要旨の使用言語は半角英語、フォントはTimes New Roman、フォントサイズは12ポイントです。内容に誤字、脱字等がないかをご確認の上、提出フォームにお進み下さい。要旨はPDFファイルにてご提出下さい。その他のフォーマットは受け付けられません。
Please name your completed PDF document in the following manner:
Principal author surname _month_date of submission. (e.g. ihara_aug_10.pdf)
Abstracts should use the following format:
Title: The title should be clear and concise and should describe the content of the presentation. The format is left-aligned with Arial font in 18 point boldface.
Authors: Authors should be listed in the order in which they will appear on the manuscript/poster. Please provide the given name followed by the family name. The affiliations are given as department and institution names with city, zip code and country. Superscripts should be provided to identify multiple author affiliations. Underline the presenting author's name. The corresponding author should be identified by an asterisk (*).
Corresponding author: Please provide the email of the corresponding author and remove any hyperlinks associated with the address.
Volume: The abstract should be no longer than 2 pages
Format: Please fit the abstract to 2 pages of ISO A4 sized (210 mm x 296 mm) paper with margin (Top 25 mm, Bottom 20 mm, Left 20 mm, Right 20 mm).